Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices. All Authors submitting their works to Journal for publication as original articles attest that the submitted works represent their Authors’ contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works. The authors acknowledge that they have disclosed all and any actual or potential conflicts of interest with their work or partial benefits associated with it. In the same manner, Journal is committed to objective and fair Editor(s) review of the submitted for publication works and to prevent any actual or potential conflict of interests between the editorial personnel and the reviewed material. Any departures from the above-defined rules should be reported directly to the Editor-in-Chief, who is unequivocally committed to providing swift resolutions to any of such a type of problems.
1. Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts must submitted in this website prior registration as Author.
All the Authors must be registered with initals, surname and e-mail. The word processor used to generate the file should be indicated and the files should be saved in format “Text only”; graphs, pictures and diagrams must be saved in JPG format.
Manuscripts must be typed single-space, using Times New Roman 12 pt as the advised font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); lines must be numbered. A single file must be uploaded, which contain the manuscript and all the tables and figures inserted at the appropriate points.
2. Manuscript Preparation
Mansucript must be prepared as per template provided on QAS home page.
(1) The paper should be divided under the following headings in this order:
Title. Informative of the content of the article (<50 characters + spaces). All in capital letters.
Author(s). Initials and Surname, omit professional and official titles. The institute and address where the research was carried out and the current address of each author should be given on the title page.
Abstract. Clearly state the objective of the study, give a concise description of experiment(s), observations, results and conclusions. No references should be cited. Do not exceed 100 words.
Key words. Up to six words, in alphabetical order, which describe the document must be given to aid data retrieval and indexing.
Introduction. Review pertinent previous work and cite appropriate references. State the purpose of the investigation.
Materials and Methods. Indicate apparatus, instruments, reagents, etc., giving sufficient detail to allow the work to be repeated.
Results and Conclusions. Results and Conclusions may be presented together or separately. Concisely present results using tables and figures to help justify conclusions (do not present the same information in both forms). Use statistical analysis when appropriate. Unsupported hypotheses should be avoided. Conclusions should point out the significance of the findings and, if possible, relate the new findings to some problem in Food Science and Technology.
Acknowledgments. Acknowledgments of assistance are appropriate provided they are not related to analyses or other services performed for a fee. Financial support, thanks for assistance, artic1e number or thesis fulfilment may be included.
Units. A list of units particular to the paper may be included.
References. References in the Reference list should be arranged alphabetically (initials of first name, only), and, for the same author, should be arranged consecutively by year, typed double-spaced. Each individual reference should begin flush left (no indentation). Refer to attached examples taken from "Style Guide for Research Papers" by the Institute of Food Technologists (Chicago - I1linois - USA). Literature citations in the text should be referred to by Surname and year in parentheses. If there are more than two authors, give the surname of the first author and add et al. and the year in parentheses. Examples: (SMITH, 2007), (SMITH and JONES, 2008) (SMITH et al., 2008).
(2) Tables should be as few and as simple as possible and include only essential data. Each table must be saved within the text at the appropriate points, and have an Arabic number, e.g. Table 4 NOT Tab. 4. Legends must be self-explanatory. Use lower-case letters for footnotes in tables and explain below the table in the order in which they appear in the table.
(3) Figures must be prepared and saved in JPEG format, and inserted in the manuscript at the appropriate points. They should be prepared so that on 50% reduction, lines, figures and symbols will be clearly legible and not overcrowded. All figures must be given Arabic numbers, e.g. Fig. 3. Legends for figures must be self-explanatory.
(4) Standard Usage, Abbreviations and Units. The Concise Oxford and Webster's English Dictionaries are the references for spelling and hyphenation. Statistics and measurements should always be given in figures, e.g. 10 min, except when the number begins a sentence. When the number does not refer to a unit of measurement it should be spelled out unless it is 100 or greater. Abbreviations should be used sparingly, only when long or unwieldy names occur frequently, and never in the title; they should be given at the first mention of the name. International Standard abbreviations should generally be used except where they conflict with current practice or are confusing. For example, 3 mm rather than 3x10-3 m. Abbreviations should be defined the first time they are used in the text and they should be used consistently thereafter. Temperatures should be expressed in the Celsius (centigrade) scale. Chemical formulae and solutions must specify the form used, e.g. anhydrous or hydrated, and the concentration must be in c1early defined units.
Common species names should be followed by the Latin binomial (italics) at the first mention. For subsequent use, the generic name should be contracted to a single letter if it is unambiguous.
3. Editorial and Review Policy
Scientific contributions in one of the following forms may be submitted:
Reviews –They can be submitted directly to the Editor-in-Chief or articles can be requested directly by the Editor-in-Chief.
Short Communications, Surveys and Opinions – They do not need to have the formal organization of a research paper; they will receive priority in publication; maximum of five pages allowed.
Papers – The paper must follow the guidelines as specified under the section Manuscript Preparation.
Reviews, Papers, Short Communications and Surveys will be subjected to critical review by referees.
(1) Manuscripts will be processed in the order received. The Editor-in-Chief will select papers to enter into the reviewing system based on originality and innovation. A letter will be sent to the authors acknowledging receipt of the manuscript along with a Declaration form stating that it has NOT been previously published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere and agreeing to the page charges upon acceptance of the paper. On receipt of the signed Declaration form, the Editor-in-Chief will send the manuscript to a Co-Editor and/or referees for evaluation.
(2) Referees may not be from the same institution as the author. Referees should make their comments and questions in detail and return the paper to the Editor-in-Chief and/or Co-Editor as soon as possible, usually within two weeks. The identity and report of the referees are made know to the Editor-in-Chief, but only the anonymous referee report is sent to the author(s). If all referees recommend acceptance or rejection, the decision stands. If the opinions of the referees tie, the Editor-in-Chief and/or Co-Editors have the freedom to decide upon acceptance or rejection of the paper.
(3) The results of the refereeing process, accompanied by a letter from the Editor-in-Chief or the Co-Editor, will be sent to the author(s). Papers needing revision must be returned to the Co-Editor within the timeframe suggested, otherwise the paper will be considered as withdrawn. A letter announcing acceptance of the manuscript will be sent to the author(s) upon acceptance by the referees.
(4) The authors will receive galley proofs of the manuscript along with the invoice for the article charge which must be paid in order to allow for publication. The proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as a PDF file by e-mail, only.
Once the page charge is paid, the DOI will be sent to the Author.
EXAMPLES of use in a Reference list are given below. The bold-faced parenthetical type of citation above the example is indicated ONLY for information and is NOT to be included in the reference list.
Anonymous. 1982. Tomato product invention merits CTRI Award. Food Technol. 36(9): 23.
AOAC. 1980. “Official Methods of Analysis” 13th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC.
Weast, R.C. (Ed.). 1981 “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics” 62nd ed. The Chemical Rubber Co. Cleveland, OH.
(Bulletin, circular)
Willets C.O. and Hill, C.H. 1976. Maple syrup producers manual Agric. Handbook No. 134, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
(Chapter of book)
Hood L.F. 1982. Current concepts of starch structure. Ch. 13. In “Food Carbohydrates”. D.R. Lineback and G.E. Inglett (Ed.), p. 217. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.
Cardello A.V. and Maller O. 1982. Acceptability of water, selected beverages and foods as a function of serving temperature. J. Food Sci. 47: 1549.
IFT Sensory Evaluation Div. 1981a. Sensory evaluation guide for testing food and beverage products. Food Technol. 35 (11): 50.
IFT Sensory Evaluation Div. 1981b. Guidelines for the prepaation and review of papers reporting sensory evaluation data. Food Technol. 35(4): 16.
(Non-English reference)
Minguez-Mosquera M.I., Franquelo Camacho A, and Fernandez Diez M.J. 1981. Pastas de pimiento. Normalizacion de la medida del color. Grasas y Aceites 33 (1): 1.
(Paper accepted)
Bhowmik S.R. and Hayakawa, K. 1983. Influence of selected thermal processing conditions on steam consumption and on mass average sterilizing values. J. Food Sci. In press.
(Paper presented)
Takeguchi C.A. 1982. Regulatory aspects of food irradiation. aper No. 8, presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of Inst. of Food Technologists, Las Vegas, NV, June 22-25.
Nezbed R.I. 1974. Amorphous beta lactose for tableting U.S. patent 3,802,911, April 9.
(Secondary source)
Sakata R., Ohso M. and Nagata Y. 1981. Effect of porcine muscle conditions on the color of cooked cured meat. Agric. & Biol. Chem. 45 (9): 2077. (In Food Sci. Technol. Abstr. (1982) 14 (5): 5S877).
Wehrmann K.H. 1961. Apple flavor. Ph. D. thesis. Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Quoted in Wehrmann, K.H. (1966). “Newer Knowledge of Apple Constitution”, p. 141, Academic Press, New York.
Gejl-Hansen F. 1977. Microstructure and stability of Freeze dried solute containing oil-in-water emulsions Sc. D. Thesis, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge.
(Unpublished data/letter)
Peleg M. 1982. Unpublished data. Dept. of Food Engineering., Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Bills D.D. 1982. Private communication. USDA-ARS. Eastern Regional Research Center, Philadelphia, PA.
Note: If you face any problem while submitting the manuscript, please email your manuscript at and our team will submit the manuscript on your behalf. Please state the category of the manuscript (Research/Review/Opinion) and the Journal name "Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods" clearly in the email subject.